Tuesday, May 11, 2010

About the design

The facade of the building is expressed with large orthogonal walls to give off the sense of entrapment, the facade doesnt alow any views of the interior nor does it alow any direct sunlight.
The spaces I have designed are spaces which are dark and dimmed, with only diffused light able to enter the habitable spaces on the 4 floors. The lowest floor is presented with the most diffused light and the highest level is one with an almost pitch black scene. Each level has an opening; an opening which gives a view into the dark shaft of open space which appears to be an endless drop. Within this shaft is a beam of bright natural sunlight which reflects off dust particles within this extremely dark space.
‘I dreamt I was in sunlight’ this narrative in conjunction with the painting is that the painting is the woman’s dream; the person who is standing in sunlight. The occupant of the spaces is controlled within a diffused, dark and dimmed environment; expressed by labyrinth of walls which reflect light into the building at the same time having no direct openings of sunlight or any direct opening of any sort of view of what is outside the building. This gives the occupant little knowledge, hope or freedom as she is confined to the spaces she is in. Within these spaces she is one who would wonder, imagine and dream about this dimmed and diffused light entering the spaces. Feelings of curiosity about this light would be provoked in this environment of entrapment. she is confined to the walls which govern her.
The beam of light which pierces through the shaft grabs her attention, she is unknown to where the origins of this light comes from, all she knows is that it comes from the upper levels of her building. The light which enters the building is like no other light she has ever seen as opposed to all of the other spaces which are filled with diffused light. She follows her dream up the building hoping that she could reach this light which is like no other. But in following her dream she has to move into a darker environment each time she goes up the level and every time she moves throughout the spiral ramp. The ramp which spirals up four levels has very little openings and is almost completely dark. A spiral ramp is used because it’s a way of slowing down time dramatically as opposed to stairs; the ramp is a form of controlling movement, slowing down her journey means feelings of being uncomfortable, paranoia, anxiety, scared in dark spaces are expressed in the body for prolonged periods of time – again leading back to the idea of control. Each level plays with her mentally; either she stays in diffused light or moves into darkness (the unknown). Every time she moves up a level the rooms get darker but that also means the contrast between the beam of light and the darkened spaces becomes stronger. Do I keep moving up to find this light? Or do I go back down to where it’s safe; where some light is at its strongest?
The beam of light fuels her curiosity to break her current state of being in an environment governed by diffused light and to explore into the dark unknown.
As she reaches the top level she sees where the light originates from, a small hole in the ceiling. She is unable to reach the light because it’s too far over the ledge for her to touch. Once the light passes away she is left in an almost pitch black space. Now having no other choice but to return to the first space (the one which is the lightest) on the lower floors or to stand in complete darkness for prolonged periods of time until the light returns.
The building and its spaces is about control through time, space, light, emotion and movement.

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